Would be cool to provide an example, that shows the geometry and how you compute UV for it.
If it’s not an ultimately top secret project.
jsfiddle, codepen, github repo etc.
I’m basically just looking for a simpler way to perform operations on bufferAttributes (doesn’t have to be uvs), where the indexed values get added/multiplied/divided by Vectors…
It seems a bit long and arduous to have to do the getX/setX , and vector.x, etc… Would be nice to just be able to do something like:
bufferAttr.multiply( vector, index );
So I thought I’d ask in-case I’m overlooking something…
You can copy the buffer at an offset into a work (temporary) vector(s) and do your operations on the vector objects. At the end of the computation you write back the vector object into the buffer.
I’m curious about this as well.
I have a shape, and would like to change every x in all the attributes position vector3s to be negative instead of just doing that to the mesh they’re in. (So the points can be used matching-ly in other things)
Should be a function out there that does what is asked in this thread