Hey here !
Hope you are doing well,
I’m trying to get a mirror-like effect on the floor for my scene.
(i’m working with React Three Fiber actually), i’m using effect composer to use the SSR effect, and so, having a floor that will mirror the lights and the objects on my scene. But the problem is, my objects also get the light. They also have the mirror effect but I don’t want it. They are planeBufferGeometry, with custom shaderMaterial.
I tried with some attributes like receiveShadows, but not working.
I’m maybe searching for a way to select only the meshes on which I want the effect to apply. I saw that in ThreeJS, there is something like “selects” for SSR Pass
For some code, here is the global Effect Composer
<EffectComposer disableNormalPass autoClear={true} multisampling={0}>
{hovered < 6 && <GodRays ref={god} sun={itemsRef.current[hovered]} density={0.4} weight={0.4} exposure={0.4} decay={0.8} blur />}
<Bloom luminanceThreshold={0} mipmapBlur luminanceSmoothing={0.0} intensity={0.3} />
<SSR />
<FXAA />
here is the effect of R3F that work well to create the mirror effect
<ContactShadows resolution={1024} frames={1} position={[0, -1, 0]} scale={15} blur={0.5} opacity={1} far={20} />
here is one of my mesh
<mesh position={[0, 0, 0.1]}
ref={el => itemsRef.current[i] = el}
<planeBufferGeometry attach="geometry" args={[3.1 * 1.3, 10 * 1.3, 100, 100]}/>
<imageFadeMaterial ref={shaderRef} attach="material" tex1={tex1} tex2={tex2} transparent={false} colorSpace={THREE.SRGBColorSpace}/>
Thank you all ! Have a great day !