Safari memory leak when scene dipose and rebuid serval times

I have created a scene using THREEJS that loads GLTF files and image-format tile maps. When I repeatedly destroy and rebuild the scene(ensuring that each destruction removes DOM nodes and all relevant THREEJS objects), I notice that the memory keeps increasing in the Safari browser, but the same code performs normally in the Chrome browser. I have ensured that I properly dispose of all relevant resources when destroying the scene.

The following is the core code of my destruction function:

static disposeObject(object, withMaterial: boolean = true){
        const self = this;
        const disposeMaterial = (material: Material) => {
            Object.getOwnPropertyNames(material).forEach((property: string) => {
                const materialProperty = (material)[property];
                if (materialProperty !== undefined && materialProperty instanceof Texture) {
                    const texture = materialProperty;
                    const image =;
                    if (image instanceof ImageBitmap) {
                        console.log('dispose imagebtmap');
                        console.log('dispose image');
                        texture.image = null;

        if (object instanceof Object3D) {
            if (object.parent) {
                object.parent = null;

            for (let i = object.children.length -1; i >=0 ; i--) {
        object.children.length = 0;
        object.children = null;

        if (object.geometry !== undefined) {

        if (object.geometries !== undefined) {
            for (const geometry of object.geometries) {
                for (const key in geometry.attributes) {

        if (object.material !== undefined && withMaterial ) {
            if (object.material instanceof Array) {
                object.material.forEach((material: Material | undefined) => {
                    if (material !== undefined) {
            } else {
        for(let key in object.userData){
            delete object.userData[key];
        object.userData = {};
        object = undefined;

THREEJS Version: r138
Google Chrome Version: 119.0.6045.200
Safari Version: 17.0(19616.
Is there anyone who can give me some advice? Thanks!!!

Can you link the bug you posted on Safari’s bug report channel?

This is a discussion about the same problem with consideration of the condition in GLTFLoader regarding Safari version 17 and the fact that today Safari 18 is used.

There is also a link to JSFiddle with an example that demonstrates the memory leak in less than 50 lines of code.
