This is the last approach of how to create a round-edged box, as I’m finally out of ideas.
Six transformed buffer indexed planes, merged in one single buffer indexed geometry.
The advantage of this approach is that we can apply a material to each side. Mostly it’s based on how they build a box geometry.
Criticism is very welcomed
function RoundEdgedBox(w, h, d, r, wSegs, hSegs, dSegs, rSegs) {
w = w || 1;
h = h || 1;
d = d || 1;
let minimum = Math.min(Math.min(w, h), d);
r = r || minimum * .25;
r = r > minimum * .5 ? minimum * .5 : r;
wSegs = Math.floor(wSegs) || 1;
hSegs = Math.floor(hSegs) || 1;
dSegs = Math.floor(dSegs) || 1;
rSegs = Math.floor(rSegs) || 1;
let fullGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
let fullPosition = [];
let fullUvs = [];
let fullIndex = [];
let fullIndexStart = 0;
let groupStart = 0;
bendedPlane(w, h, r, wSegs, hSegs, rSegs, d * .5, 'y', 0, 0);
bendedPlane(w, h, r, wSegs, hSegs, rSegs, d * .5, 'y', Math.PI, 1);
bendedPlane(d, h, r, dSegs, hSegs, rSegs, w * .5, 'y', Math.PI * .5, 2);
bendedPlane(d, h, r, dSegs, hSegs, rSegs, w * .5, 'y', Math.PI * -.5, 3);
bendedPlane(w, d, r, wSegs, dSegs, rSegs, h * .5, 'x', Math.PI * -.5, 4);
bendedPlane(w, d, r, wSegs, dSegs, rSegs, h * .5, 'x', Math.PI * .5, 5);
fullGeometry.addAttribute("position", new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(fullPosition), 3));
fullGeometry.addAttribute("uv", new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(fullUvs), 2));
return fullGeometry;
function bendedPlane(width, height, radius, widthSegments, heightSegments, smoothness, offset, axis, angle, materialIndex) {
let halfWidth = width * .5;
let halfHeight = height * .5;
let widthChunk = width / (widthSegments + smoothness * 2);
let heightChunk = height / (heightSegments + smoothness * 2);
let planeGeom = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(width, height, widthSegments + smoothness * 2, heightSegments + smoothness * 2);
let v = new THREE.Vector3(); // current vertex
let cv = new THREE.Vector3(); // control vertex for bending
let cd = new THREE.Vector3(); // vector for distance
let position = planeGeom.attributes.position;
let uv = planeGeom.attributes.uv;
let widthShrinkLimit = widthChunk * smoothness;
let widthShrinkRatio = radius / widthShrinkLimit;
let heightShrinkLimit = heightChunk * smoothness;
let heightShrinkRatio = radius / heightShrinkLimit;
let widthInflateRatio = (halfWidth - radius) / (halfWidth - widthShrinkLimit);
let heightInflateRatio = (halfHeight - radius) / (halfHeight - heightShrinkLimit);
for (let i = 0; i < position.count; i++) {
v.fromBufferAttribute(position, i);
if (Math.abs(v.x) >= halfWidth - widthShrinkLimit) {
v.setX((halfWidth - (halfWidth - Math.abs(v.x)) * widthShrinkRatio) * Math.sign(v.x));
} else {
v.x *= widthInflateRatio;
}// lr
if (Math.abs(v.y) >= halfHeight - heightShrinkLimit) {
v.setY((halfHeight - (halfHeight - Math.abs(v.y)) * heightShrinkRatio) * Math.sign(v.y));
} else {
v.y *= heightInflateRatio;
}// tb
//re-calculation of uvs
(v.x - (-halfWidth)) / width,
1 - (halfHeight - v.y) / height
// bending
let widthExceeds = Math.abs(v.x) >= halfWidth - radius;
let heightExceeds = Math.abs(v.y) >= halfHeight - radius;
if (widthExceeds || heightExceeds) {
widthExceeds ? (halfWidth - radius) * Math.sign(v.x) : v.x,
heightExceeds ? (halfHeight - radius) * Math.sign(v.y) : v.y, -radius);
cd.subVectors(v, cv).normalize();
v.copy(cv).addScaledVector(cd, radius);
position.setXYZ(i, v.x, v.y, v.z);
planeGeom.translate(0, 0, offset);
switch (axis) {
case 'y':
case 'x':
// merge positions
// merge uvs
// merge indices
planeGeom.index.array.forEach(function(a) {
fullIndex.push(a + fullIndexStart);
fullIndexStart += position.count;
// set the groups
fullGeometry.addGroup(groupStart, planeGeom.index.count, materialIndex);
groupStart += planeGeom.index.count;