The MagicBox
… is an enlarged box. It is made up of 26 parts. Multi material is supported.
parameters = {
smoothness: 12,
contourmode: 'bezier',
radius: function ( t ){ return 0.35 },
pointX: function ( t ){ return 0.6 },
pointY: function ( t ){ return 2.4 },
Some rounded boxes I know of are not completely symmetrical.
(5) ( completely symmetrical ? )
To the question (at (2)) of prisoner849 I had shown the code of a completely symmetrical corner. He thanked me in German. While mind kinda melted from onother. I hope not totally, because I’m not the fastest. It took me a long time, but now there is a MagicBox and in simple form it is also a Round-edged box. With totally symmetrical corners.
The segments are completely symmetrically divided into four faces. There is a center point (waffle point).
There are two exploded view modes for this box. Along the normal vectors or away from the centre (centre ray). The last variant is certainly the correct mode. The four faces of the segment are held together. The middle vertex is used for calculation.
The first geometry in the THREEg addon, the MagicSphere consists of 8 parts and these also form the corners of the box.
However, the code is stored independently. The Sphere was updated. There is now also explodemode ‘center’ and ‘normal’.
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Some examples react to mouse movement. For this I have manipulated function(t){} in parameters.
An application for beautiful design. I’m not an artist!