Rotating a TSL vector by camera world rotation -- is there a more efficient way than this?

Below I am sharing some TSL that I have been using to rotate a direction vector dir by euler angles cameraWorldRotation.

Is there a more efficient way to do this than repeatedly calling rotateVector on the z, y, and x axis? Or is this the best way to do it? Can I perhaps incorporate camera.getWorldDirection(target) or camera.matrixWorld as uniforms to allow the TSL to be simplified?

function rotateVector(vector, axis, angle) {
	const vxp = cross(axis, vector);
	const vxvxp = cross(axis, vxp);
	const a = mul(vxp, sin(angle));
	const b = mul(vxvxp, cos(angle).oneMinus());
	return vector.add(a).add(b);

const cameraWorldRotation = (() => {	
  const q = new THREE.Quaternion();
  const e = new THREE.Euler();
  return THREE.uniform("vec3").onRenderUpdate(() => {
  	// "camera" is a THREE.PerspectiveCamera
    return e.setFromQuaternion(q);

let dir = vec3(0.22, -1, -0.65); // let "dir" be any arbitrary vec3

// rotate around z
dir = rotateVector(dir, vec3(0, 0, 1), cameraWorldRotation.z);
// rotate around y
dir = rotateVector(dir, vec3(0, 1, 0), cameraWorldRotation.y);
// rotate around x
dir = rotateVector(dir, vec3(1, 0, 0), cameraWorldRotation.x);

// "dir" has now been successfully rotated by "cameraWorldRotation"