Ok, since you are posting in ‘showcase’ category I think you are expecting suggestions, so here I go:
- You may want to revisit the pre/downloading mechanism, I had to literally reload the page several times before being able to interact with it. Progress bar just sits there without moving.
- A ‘fullscreen’ button and functionality would take advantage of the entire screen space.
- A compass UI would aid users to orientate in 360 space, as not everyone is fluent on remembering a virtual route. This could be toggled with a button.
- Depending on your target audience, support for mobile devices would consider updating the camera orientation with the device gyroscope. This could be toggled with a button.
- Depending on your target audience, a VR button would give support for experiencing with VR devices. This could be toggled with a button.
- A hotspots menu would allow shortcuts and easy access to certain rooms/areas, without forcing the user to navigate using the long chain of actual 360 views. This could be arranged as a minimap or simply as a list of rooms with links.
All of the above is already available in free/floss tools like marzipano and others (that even offer dedicated editors for arranging 360 projects and placing hotspots for navigation, etc). So if you want to differenciate I’d strongly suggest you to focus in develpoing a ‘valuable functionality’ that others projects don’t have, something that will make it reasonable to pay for it. For instance, krpano developed a depthmaps-based blending of cubemaps for allowing smoother 3D-transitions (a la Matterport), maybe this can be improved also in your project.
Lastly, I have to second @Harold in that using github is not the right place to sell anything, specially if you provide such a link here, where we are all devs trying to help eachother. Please consider posting on dedicated marketplaces like codecanyon or similar ones.
P.S. theres is a bug in the clipping of the circular logo at the base, this could be due to camera.near plane not being close enough