Quick Parallax shader / heighmap job, referral fee, ASAP, tell me your price

Yo, I’ve got a small job, should be a few hours, maybe day or two? I need a parallax/height map effect, where I create the illusion of depth without geometry. The idea is richer visuals but lighter performance demands.

Basically, the effect seen here:

I have these assets that I need this to work with:

(I’ve also included some links I’ve found on the topic that may help you)

If you need more assets, let me know, and I’ll have my artist provide them
I think this library might help, but I’m not 100% sure: https://github.com/mebiusbox/pixy.js

I’m an A-Frame/JS dev, so this is a bit beyond my depth from what I’m reading. Let me know how many hours / what your rate is and we can go from there. This is urgent, so please message me ASAP if possible.

I’m especially interested in seeing a re-usable component made for this that works easily with A-Frame. Let’s talk about how much extra work that takes, if much of any.

PS: if there’s a better place for me to be asking, or if you have a referral, please let me know. Will throw $50 as a quick referral fee.

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Hi Kyle,
If you are still looking out for some help, feel free to reach out to me as this is well within my area of expertise.
You can reach me on andrewjohnson56782@gmail.com
Best Wishes,

just a heads up–I’ve emailed both of you, but to anyone else–please still respond, I’ll make sure to close/notify on this thread when the job is finished. until then, assume I’m still looking and do post.

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andrew didn’t respond to email I sent him–@andrew1, did you get it?

Alan_Jones stopped responding to emails. I offered some money up front, some more upon proof of progress, and more upon completion, but he wanted 50% up front, which I’m happy to do when I know someone, but as of now he’s a stranger and I’m more comfortable starting with 25% up front, 25% in two days when I see some code, remaining 50% at the end. I’m a freelancer as well, and this is generally how I work.

I’ve now posted this on THREE issues as well as a feature request: BOUNTY: WILL PAY YOU TO DO OPEN SOURCE | Parallax/heightmap Shader · Issue #22529 · mrdoob/three.js · GitHub

There’s more money in it if you contact me ASAP. Let me know.

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