Question about the removed blender exporter


I’ve seen that the blender exporter has been removed and I think this might be a mistake.
Currently the blender exporter seems to have been the only really working model exporting & loading workflow. And a really cool one btw.
The three.js JSON format also has some nice advantages. It’s really easy and straightforward to manipulate materials in JSON after exporting and so on. Materials and animations work best using this format.

GLTF: Blender GLTF exporter is far away from being usable (e.g. materials, …)
Collada: Animations are not yet fully implemented in ColladaLoader

I hope that the Blender Exporter gets revitalized :slight_smile:

BR Markus

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I’m sorry to disappoint you but that won’t happen. Please read the following two threads for the whole story. You should focus on glTF since it’s by far the best available format.

If you encounter issues with the exporter, please report them at the official repo.

It’s quite useable, including materials; we would not be recommending it otherwise. There are particular things you may need to do for materials to export, e.g. if you’re using Cycles Render, use the provided Cycles PBR nodes. Also note there are two glTF Blender exporters, you may get different results with one or the other. Otherwise please report issues as you find them, or models that worked with the JSON exporter but aren’t working with other options, and we’ll try to help.

What is the best way to export a single geometry/rig with multiple animations using the current gltfloader exporter/loader?

I do not wish to deal with an entire exported scene.

This was easy to do with blender exporter.

Please advise.

Ok, sorry, after spending some time with the Blender glTF exporter from Khronos Group, I’ve changed my mind about it as it’s working really ok. I was also able to export and load all of my models and the materials and animations are also working fine.
This workflow seems to be absolutely applicable.

BR Markus

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You’ll need the exporter branch here. If you export with a single mesh, your mesh should come back as gltf.scene.children[0], although multi-material setups could complicate that. There is no separate format for scenes vs models as was the case with JSON, but I’m open to adjusting the loader API to make this use case easier.

@Markus_Incognitus good to hear it’s working acceptably with your models — if you do run into any issues please do let us know!