Hello, I want to share my recent personal project, a procedural planet mesh generator. Unlike the other implementation, mine uses compute shaders to calculate vertex positions based on the parameters. So, the generated planet can be exported to .obj
CPU Implementation
In the beginning I naively tried to create the mesh on the CPU which is pretty laggy especially if the resolution is high (waited around 12 secs at resolution 360). At this point, I encountered with compute shaders which is what I was looking for. However, since WebGPU is not widely supported, I decided not to use it.
Fake Compute Shaders
At this point, I noticed my fragment shaders are already doing highly parallel computations. So, I mapped the pixel value to vertex height in my mesh. This immediately sped thing up and my project is usable now.
Github: GitHub - XenoverseUp/procedural-planets: A procedural planet generation tool written in WebGL, ThreeJS. It uses multiple layered Simplex noise to generate terrain.
Live Demo:
Let me know if you have a feedback or noticed an improvement.
Thanks for reading.