PlugXR - No code AR/VR platform - (ThreeJS + React)

:rocket: Introducing PlugXR: Empowering Your AR/VR Dreams with No-Code/Low-Code Magic! :rocket:
Embark on a revolutionary journey into the world of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and spatial computing with PlugXR - the fastest and most versatile no-code/low-code platform available! Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newcomer to the XR scene, PlugXR puts the power of creation in your hands.
Key Features:

:globe_with_meridians: Cross-Platform Compatibility: Create immersive experiences and applications effortlessly, and deploy them across various platforms. PlugXR supports browsers, native apps for Android and iOS, Oculus, Apple Vision Pro, and desktop environments, ensuring your vision reaches users wherever they are.

:hammer_and_wrench: Third-Party SDK Integration: Seamlessly incorporate third-party SDKs such as 8th Wall, ARCore, ARKit, ARFoundation, and Vuforia into your projects. Leverage the best features from these SDKs to enhance the functionality and richness of your XR applications.

:mortar_board: Educational Access: PlugXR believes in fostering innovation and education. That’s why we provide free access to our platform for educational purposes. Unleash creativity in the classroom, nurture talents, and let students explore the limitless possibilities of XR technology.

:computer: No-Code/Low-Code Development: Say goodbye to complex coding barriers! Our user-friendly coding editor enables web developers with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to effortlessly build intricate XR solutions. Whether you’re a coding guru or just starting, PlugXR makes development accessible to all.

:rocket: Why Choose PlugXR?

  1. Rapid Development: Speed up your AR/VR project timelines with our no-code/low-code approach, ensuring your ideas come to life swiftly.
  2. Versatility: Reach a wide audience by deploying your XR creations across multiple platforms without the hassle of extensive development efforts.
  3. Collaboration: Easily integrate third-party SDKs, opening doors to a world of possibilities and expanding the capabilities of your applications.
  4. Educational Initiatives: Nurture the next generation of XR innovators by providing free access to our platform for educational purposes.
  5. Accessible Development: Empower web developers with diverse skill sets to contribute to the XR landscape using our intuitive coding editor.

Join the PlugXR community today and redefine the future of XR applications with ease and innovation! Unleash your creativity, break free from coding constraints, and build the immersive experiences you’ve always envisioned. Let’s Plug into the future together! :rocket::globe_with_meridians::sparkles: