8XR - the most powerful online studio to build your three.js experience without code

Hey guys,

During the last 2 years, we build an online studio that helps you to assemble your XR experience without code. It is free to use https://8xr.io. All experiences have multiplayer out of the box and work on VR headsets.

We focus on gaming use cases atm so if you have good ideas to build a game please reach out to us - at hello@8xr.io

Here is the simple last game that was built fully on our engine by 3d artists - https://app.8xr.io/s/game-test/view
Educational level - https://app.8xr.io/s/education-level/view
other showcases - https://app.8xr.io/

And thanks to all members of the three.js community - we appreciate what you are doing and are literally able to build that only because of your work!


Nicely done!

One thing I would suggest is to respawn back to the original spawn point in case you fall off the map. There is no way to go back to the same scene except for going back to the explore page and opening the scene again.


Also, hitting ESC opens the menu. Hitting it again should close the menu. It feels a bit counter intuitive to click the “Dive into Scene” button again to resume, since you use that exact button to enter a world (new game vs resume game).


Nice stuff, most scenes seem to be crashing web page on a huawei p30, could be something to look into, lighting is also very bleeched for scenes that manage to load up…

Hello ! Is it possible to download it? I would like to work with it even without an Internet connection.