Panorama viewer

Hello, I’m trying to integrate 360 panoramas into an application. I started from the model panorama_equirectangular that I adapted but despite many attempts I can’t get my page to work. Here is the link to the page: Would it be possible to guide me? thank you in advance.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">

Unfortunately, the way you are importing three.js is not correct. It should be:

<script type="module">

    import * as THREE from '';

Thanks for your answer, I tried to adapt the html code but the image doesn’t display? It works perfectly when I load the whole three.js project on my site but not with the CDN. Do you have an idea?

Looking at the browser console, it seems your app produces runtime errors. Can you please update to the latest version of three.js? MathUtils does not exist with r99.