TextGeometry --- three.js version change?

This is the project that I have been working on, in jsfiddle

If possible can someone try this please…

Tried to use a three.js link from another site and it didn’t work, I am using a three.js file that I downloaded like 8 months ago and seems to work fine.

Probably I am doing something wrong or something was changed in later three.js file versions.

I’ve update your code based on the following two examples:


Equirectangular panorama: Instead of scaling the mesh, you have to apply a scale to the geometry instead. By executing the following code, you invert the geometry on the x-axis so that all of the faces point inward.

geometry.scale( - 1, 1, 1 );

Dynamic Cubemaps: When the CubeCamera is updated, you should make the meshes invisible that apply the respective render target as an environment map. Otherwise a source and destination texture of the current draw are the same.

Updated fiddle with latest three.js: https://jsfiddle.net/1zxpywr2/1/

BTW: You still get some material related warnings. You should clean these up in your imported LJL class.

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Thanks for your help and advises, I will clean my library as soon as possible

( I made a change to the myLib.js *because of that your jsfiddle link es not working but heres is the new update… )
