Outlinepass wrong face rendering

I use outlinepass but get weird rendering on several object edges. The face aren’t filled to the edges. The more I zoom in the more right it does look
Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-16 um 00.48.45


you can see it also in this example, when you zoom out:

I’m not sure I see the glitch on my iMac with Chrome. Everything looks as expected.

What setup are you using? Can you also share a short video that shows how the glitch looks on your system?

I use a Macbook Air M1. This problem does only appear in chrome. Also in with disabled addons.

On my Windows machine it also works in chrome.

Looks fine to me:

ah, nvm then

Thanks for sharing the video. That makes the glitch indeed more clear.

I’m afraid this is an issue that should be reported to the Chromium team instead. It is probably related to the M1 hardware/drivers.

Can you please verify if the glitch also appears with Chrome Canary?

You also might want to check if the glitch disappears by starting Chrome with a Metal backend:

Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome\ Canary --user-data-dir=/tmp/c1 --use-angle=metal

Glitch is also in chrome canary. I tried runing chrome with rosetta and then the glitch disappears.

also with metal enabled it disappers

In this case, it will be a matter of time until the glitch automatically disappears. At some point, Chrome on macOS will switch from OpenGL to Metal. However, I don’t know the exact date when this happens.

If this is a very urgent topic consider to report the issue at the Chromium bugtracker: Monorail - chromium - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Monorail

ok, thanks for your help!

i recently got these in a project and fixed it by tightening camera near/far.