Using a texture or even rendering the water itself, does anyone have any ideas/references on trying to create an ocean floor reflecting the sun? I want it to be a top-down view, so the surface of the water isn’t technically necessary as it wouldn’t be visible - I’m just not sure how to animate the light on the ocean floor as seen in the image.
What you are writing about is caustics, you should read this article:
Also this could be helpful as well:
1 Like
- Volumetric Caustics with Fade GitHub - paddy-exe/Godot-RealTimeCaustics: RealTime-ish Caustics in the Godot Game Engine
- Caustics from two with min and rgb selection from white Believable Caustics Reflections - Alan Zucconi
- Voronoi with Sine Wave Shader - Shadertoy BETA
- Simple with Aberration Shader - Shadertoy BETA
- Simple Shader - Shadertoy BETA
- Simple Shader - Shadertoy BETA
- Simple Shader - Shadertoy BETA
- Triplanar approach and variations of two caustics
- With aberration via texture and below is a link to the full code Реалистичная каустика отражений / Хабр
- And here is the code of his upper caustics from 2 textures water-shader-unity/Assets/Shaders/Caustics.shader at 32da3201bbb02c31f121f0abf12e968275c029d0 · leonjovanovic/water-shader-unity · GitHub
- Fake simple with movement of 2 textures