Trying to work on a product configurator with a GLTF model, if I update values for model.material.normalMap, model.material.roughnessMap, and model.material.metalnessMap all seem to have their scale and intensity levels from Blender changed.
Is there something linked about these values when I don’t set a new material and just update the
When changing color textures (e.g. map or emissiveMap) it necessary to configure the correct encoding for the texture like so:
texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding; // sRGB color space
In any event, you have to configure the following to honot the texture coordinates convection of glTF.
texture.flipY = false;
Normally, GLTFLoader does this configuration automatically. If you change textures, you have to do this by yourself. More information in this guide (section Textures):
sRGB encoding is automatically set by the loader and the recommended color space when displaying glTF models. I suggest you study a bit gamma, linear and sRGB color space to better understand the importance of this topic. There are a lot of existing resources available in the internet.