Hello, perhaps a newbie question.
I published in Three.js editor.
In index.html I changed the file references to http://localhost/…
I see the all, but not the VRButton, although I installed
the Chrome extension WebXR API Emulator.
Thank You so much, I got the button.
If I click on it, I get a very large magnified view of some detail.
Can you recommend me a video to learn how to use VR mode?
However, you need a compatible VR headset in order to experience VR. Using the WebXR emulator is just for testing programs, it does not provide any real sense of 3D-ness of the scene. What you can do with the emulator is to move or rotate a virtual headset and its controllers and see how the image is changed. You can also press two of the controller’s buttons.
The emulator is meant for the software to think there is VR, although it is missing. It is not meant for the users to dive into the 3D world.
PS. I’m talking about the emulator that looks like this: