My personal Portfolio - from Argentina

I’m excited to share my portfolio with the Three.js community and to submit it for consideration on the Three.js homepage. I hope it can inspire others and showcase what’s possible with Three.js!

Hola como estan? eh lanzado una nueva version de mi portfolio. espero que les guste!

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Looks great but is difficult to understand.

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thanks for feedback tibi, what do you belive i can improve it?

You need to make things a bit clear, I guess is up to you to figure it out since you did this.

What I see is that you focus a lot on the effects but not on the concept, at east this is how it feels to me, maybe I am wrong but it took a while to understand what is going on.

Ask chatgpt :slight_smile: I use it a lot now!

Well, I can’t check this out on my phone, but I wanted to give a shoutout to Argentina. One of the prettiest countries in the world, con la mejor música (cumbia villera) y buena comida (mollejas, chinchulines, empanadas de mondongo) :yum:

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hahaha good review