Hi there,
All tutorials i’ve found regarding how to add and store multiple animations from mixamo in a gltf file with blender failed. Old blender version, animations found only the first and don’t play the second …
Any good and fresh resources on that ? There a few tutos on youtube, i’ve tried most of them, none works for me.
Thank you !
Btw, if i understand well, we can have:
- one gltf file with multiple animations, (but i don’t succeed with this), exported from blender
- multiple fbx file, the first one with the texture and an idle anim, the others contains only animations.
I imagine that having one gltf file is a best practice, and having multiples fbx files are a work around. Isn’t ?
I imagine that having one gltf file is a best practice, and having multiples fbx files are a work around. Isn’t ?
That sounds right to me.
If you have multiple animations in Blender and they just aren’t all exporting, then probably what you need to do (at least in modern versions of Blender) is to “stash” each animation (or Blender “Action”) on the object. This associates them and should ensure they all export. Creating NLA Tracks also works. This can be done in Blender’s NLA panel.
Thank you @donmccurdy , your keywords and with some searches later, i found the simple and efficient tuto here
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