Hello, I am trying to create a 3d object with interactive sides and corners. I think The best way to represent what I want to can be seen in this picture with this hexagon.
In a 3d environment, I guess you can get the index of each face and that would help to work around the problem of the side, however, I still don’t know how I could get the corners to be clickable. Can anyone help, tnx?
Fake it - add visible / invisible spheres and boxes at the locations you want to be interactive (same as you added circles on your picture to show us where the corner and the center are) - then listen to events on these meshes.
The issue with using edges and corners for such interactions would be their either size - since they do not really have a size (corner is just a position with no volume, edge is a line with <1 pixel thickness.) Trying to click on them could lead to an irritating experience for the user.