Hi there,
My name is max, and I’m in the process of developing a web application that allows users to customize shoe models. The goal is to give them the ability to recolor and add graphics to each part of the shoe as desired. I’ve somehow managed to create a working prototype using three.js but I will be needing help from someone who knows this stuff in detail. Before I take the time to create more usable assets for the project, I’d like to know exactly what is possible and how I should go about things. Instead of trying to figure this stuff out on my own, I’d rather just pay someone to help me get it done. I’m looking to pay you hourly to consult with me for now and then eventually join the development team, if needed, which so far, is myself and someone who does more backend stuff. To give you an idea of what I’m looking for, let me just list some of my problems/questions:
My current asset has a really high poly count, so I’ll need to retopologize and bake a normal
The application makes changes to the texture map, which separates each shoe part on it’s own island in the uv map
Will the normal map show artifacts on the part seems if each part is separated in the uv map?
I’ve discovered the model can have multiple uv channels… Is that the proper way to do things?
Need help with lighting, environment stuff
And that’s what I’ve got currently. I know I’ll be having more questions as things move forward so I’m really looking for someone to get on a screen call with me here and there and answer my questions. And for now, I’d like to give you a demo on what I’ve got currently and see if you’d be a good fit. And if it seems like you can answer my questions, I’d like to more forward and start paying you for some consulting. Feel free to direct message me and let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for checking out my post!
And here is a pic to visualize the project