Looking for ThreeJS freelancers for an AI NFT project :D

We are looking for a three.js/webgl developer for a NFT project. We are working on an AI based generative art project and are looking for folks with experience in three.js for building the art. We have the creatives sorted out - we need help with executing the visuals (your creativity would be more than welcome).
We are out of Stanford University and are heavily funded with past crypto projects.
Check out our studio at: https://laypra.studio/
Check out our past work at: https://www.layamathikshara.com/
Feel free to DM me in telegram me at: https://t.me/mathikshara
Fill out our application at [www.laypra.studio/join-us](https:// www.laypra.studio/join-us)
Cheers ~

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