Looking for a ThreeJS game developer for an NFT gaming project


We are a team of 4 students at the end of our studies at the swiss federal institute of technology. We are a complete team able to do the backend, the NFT/blockchain part, the website, the marketing, etc… but we miss one advanced game developer.
So we are looking for an experienced Threejs/React-three-fiber developer for developing a “Minecraft-like” game. It is “Minecraft-like” structurally speaking (block, procedural), but the game concept is truly unique and has a high potential
We don’t offer a salary, but a share % of the benefits.
(We also speak French).

You can post your portfolio and contact information below if you think you fit the profile

Hi, I am an expert three js developer …refer my recent work here… it is a virtual avatar… www.zuluxy.com

Hey Kamyar, I’m not advanced in game development but I’m very interested to give it a shot here’s my CV: CV/CV_Alexander_Sieben.pdf at ad171bc8d5ee20e96d864734478668304564d34a · sieeeebs/CV · GitHub

I’m experienced with react-three-fiber
Email: alexhsieben[at]gmail.com

Hello @Kamyar_Taher we have recently produced something very similar and would be willing to discuss your needs… You can see the project at


Give me a message to discuss further or email us at hello@3dpk.co.uk

Looking forward to hearing from you

Hy there, I really want to work with 3d in the web using Threejs
Take a look at my portfolio at

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