Jewellery designer portfolio

Hi folks,

Here is a website I’ve made to advertise about my day job :


I’ve been trained in high jewelry industrial design, which got me into general 3D and modeling. Later I got passionate about 3D graphics and coding thanks to Three.js. I wish I had more opportunities to use Three.js in my work…


Très sympa les modés + rendus :+1:t2:

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Nice! You’re on a roll! :grin:

Very clean design and I like the scroll effect.
I had some issues on Firefox (android) though. After the first or second page scroll the screen goes black for a few seconds.

One idea - as you scroll down to the next scene, you could slightly zoom out the scene above. That would give a parallax effect.

Yes :joy: I had only a few bug fixes on this one before the jam, it’s a coincidence.

I must admit I forgot to test on Firefox android, I will look into that thank you ! I had so much trouble with iOS Safari, I forgot other browsers can also give you a hard time.

Good idea it would definitely be a nice effect. Currently I update only the scene that is more than 50% on screen, for performance, but I could maybe have a similar effect with CSS transforms…

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Merci c’est gentil :blush:

Yeah, that became obvious to me after I scrolled up and down a few times. You can see the outgoing scene suddenly freezes. It’s unlikely most people who are casually checking your site would notice that though.

Maybe you could shrink the canvas element to give the zoom out effect? Anyway, it’s not a big deal, it already looks great.

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Hi, I am a newbie here and passionate about jewelry designs. Just found this thread. Congratulation on launching your website. Could you please help me to reach your website? It is not reachable at my end. Would love to see your work.

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Le lien ne fonctionne plus
J’aurais aimé le voir

@navigupta @MejdiKazdarlli thanks for reporting, it’s up again.

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