Issue with Unexpected Depth of GLB Model in Three.js

Hello everyone,

I hope someone can help me with an issue I’m having while working with Three.js and a GLB model.


I’m working with a 3D model that I created in Blender. The dimensions of the model in Blender are as follows:

  • Width (X): 8
  • Height (Y): 6.5
  • Depth (Z): 10

Everything looks perfect in Blender, and the bounding box aligns with the model dimensions. However, when I load the exact same GLB file in Three.js, I get an unexpectedly large depth on the Z-axis for the bounding box:

  • Width: 8
  • Height: 6.5
  • Depth: 200 (instead of the expected 10)

What I’ve Tried So Far:

  • Scaling: The model’s scale is set to (1, 1, 1), and I attempted to adjust the depth with model.scale.set(1, 1, 0.05);, but this distorts the entire model.
  • Bounding Box Check: In Three.js, I used computeBoundingBox() to calculate the bounding box for each mesh node in the model, but the model still shows the incorrect depth.
  • Rotation and Axis Adjustment: I rotated the model 180 degrees in Three.js (model.rotateY(Math.PI);) and reset the rotation to zero to ensure this wasn’t affecting the depth.
  • Console Debugging: I printed all meshes and their bounding boxes in the console. No individual mesh appears to have a depth of 200, but the overall model bounding box still has this large depth.

Export Settings in Blender:

I’m using the GLB export with the following settings:

  • Apply Modifiers
  • +Y Up (since Three.js uses Y-up)


Why might Three.js be reading the model depth as much larger than it is? I can’t see any hidden geometry in Blender, and I’ve re-exported the model after applying all transformations (Ctrl + A → Apply All Transforms). Does anyone have any ideas about what might be causing this or what I might have overlooked?

I’d appreciate any tips or suggestions!

Thank you in advance!

Send here model. Maybe there invisible vertice

Are there any modifiers on the object in blender?

Hi kalabedo

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:
Blender is a new Topic to me. So let me try to figure that out.
I have added the glb model to my last reply.

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thank you very much! It looks like this was the problem :smiley:

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