Is there any way i can extract the texture images from the glb file within threejs

how to get the gltf model’s texture image out

loader.load(‘static/model/m3.glb’, function(glt) {
gltf = glt;
const parser = glt.parser;
const bufferPromises = => {
return parser.getDependency(‘bufferView’, imageDef.bufferView);

				Promise.all(bufferPromises).then((buffers) => {  
					// var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffers);
					// var image = document.getElementById('image');
					// var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffers);
					// image.src = 'data:image/png;base64,'+ encode(bytes);
					// console.log("====>");
					// console.log(imageUrl); 