Is there a way to use ssao When camera far is large?

I want to use ssao in my scene, but when I change camera far to 1e7,and enable logarithmicDepthBuffer, it seem seem no work.

Logarithmic depth buffer doesn’t play nicely with a bunch of post processing effects… but also Ao is probably mostly important at distances relatively “close” to the camera. Are you sure you need logdepth? Or could you perhaps scale your scene down to a range safe for regular camera? Logdepth is often reserved for rendering more planetary scale distances…

Thanks for your reply, in fact, I do need logdepth because I want to render a city-scale scene, without it, z-fight will destroy my scene effect when the camera is far away.

What version of three.js are you using? The current WebGPU release of three.js recently fixed the logarithmicDethBuffer issues with AO. If you are not using the WebGPU release, you should consider switching. See this pull request:

Technically the “WebGPU release” version works on Firefox. It just falls back to WebGL2. The logarithmicDepthBuffer and AO fixes work with both renderers, you just have to be using three.webgpu.js.

that’s helpful, thanks to all of you.