Current THREE.BufferGeometry
ㄴ attributes
ㄴ normal
ㄴ uv
ㄴ position
ㄴ index
1 index : each uv, position, normal
I want to do
ㄴ attributes
ㄴ normal
ㄴ uv
ㄴ position
ㄴ indexBuffer
ㄴ positionIndex
ㄴ uvIndex
ㄴ normalIndex
uvIndex : uv
normalIndex : normal
positionIndex : position
Is it possible to render an indexBuffer in Three.js by applying uv, normal, and position individually?
when export obj, usdz and then import at Blender there’s a seam line and has two vertexes into same point so it can be split like below screenshot
so I want to get a moving at seam line vertex like this in blender
Three.js uses WebGL. Unless there is some new feature that I’m not aware of, WebGL supports indexed drawing via a single index for all attributes (vertex coordinates, colors, texture coordinates, normals etc. ) So, I’d expect that Three.js cannot work with indexed geometry with separate indices for different attributes.
As for the two images and the reason why you need many indices – I’m sorry, I was not able to understand them.
Oh… Thanks for reply!
As a side note, I’m currently using a Sphere exported from Three.js’ Obj and USDZ Exporter, and when I imported the Obj and USDZ into Blender, I saw that there were two vertices in the same position on the seam line, so it happened when I moved the vertices in Blender, as shown in the picture.
However, I don’t think Sphere should happen like that. The issue is caused by the fact that 1 index manages uv, position, and normal, and there are 2 uv in the same Vertex position on the Seam line side. (Since there are 2 uv in the same position, the index is also 2 in the current Three.js Exporter.) Therefore, I needed a buffer for each Attribute to remove the duplicate values.
You can merge duplicated vertices in Blender (use option “Merge by distance”). After this operation you can move the vertices of the sphere and its surfice will not tear off.
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