Would it be helpful to integrate the open cascade geometry kernel into three.js ? Would it be possible? (Of course the kernel needs to be translated into JS / TS first.)
I used three.js in my master’s thesis and I appreciated it a lot. Nevertheless I always thought that there are some fundamental geometry-featurers missing. A view days ago I was reading about Open Cascade and pythonOCC. The geoemtry kernel they provide looks very extensive. So I was thinking, if it would be possible to have this for three.js.
The scope of three.js was often discussed in the past. In general, it’s not the aim of the project to provide an extensive set of functions for manipulating geometric and topological information. If you can manage to run a JavaScript version of Open Cascade in the browser, it would be best to place this code in a separate repo similar to csg.js.
geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); // base class buffer-geometry object from three.js
geometry.createMorphGeometry = THREEf.createMorphGeometry; // insert the methode from THREEf.js
geometry.createMorphGeometry(); // apply the methode ( here without parameters: all default )
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, materials ); // create a material array: materials
scene.add( mesh );
I expect that the threejs community is already aware of this, but for anyone finding this through a web search, this type of thing was implemented a few months ago. CascadeStudio integrates opencascade.js with threejs (as well as several other packages) to provide a web client-side modeling app.