I’m creating an environment - r87.
5000 by 5000 ground plane, a few scattered obj.
Using Pointer Lock Controls for the navigation system like the threejs.org example.
I am importing 60+ obj with vertex colors, about 3 MB each, that rain from the sky, hit the ground plane and then reset to a point 3000 up the z axis and continue to rain down.
var faceLoader = new THREE.OBJVertexColorLoader(manager);
for (let i = 0; i < 62; i++) {
//function for loading faces
function faceLoad(index) {
faceLoader.load('eye_roll_assets/eye-roll' + index + '.obj', function (object) {
// loader.load('face_assets/quarter.obj', function (object) {
object.children[0].material.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
// object.translateX(196);
// object.translateY(196);
// object.translateZ(130);
object.position.x = getRandomInt(-2000, 2000);
object.position.y = getRandomInt(15, 3000);
object.position.z = getRandomInt(-2000, 2000);
object.rotation.x = -90;
object.rotation.y = 180;
object.scale.set(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
object.name = 'face';
// console.log('face', object);
}, onProgress, function () {});
I am also building a fence around the ground plane out of gltf files, about 15MB each. Each side will need 78 of the gltf files.
function buildFenceSide(start, rotation, stepX, stepY, stepZ) {
let url;
let connector = true;
let placeX = start.x;
let placeY = start.y;
let placeZ = start.z;
for (let i = 0; i < 77; i++) {
if (connector === true) {
url = sceneInfoFence.url;
url = sceneInfoFence2.url;
fenceLoader.load(url, function(fenceObj) {
let panel = fenceObj.scene;
panel.scale.set(10, 10, 10);
panel.position.set(placeX, placeY, placeZ);
panel.rotation.y = Math.PI / rotation;
placeX += stepX;
placeZ += stepZ;
connector = !connector;
I am wondering about how to optimize this because building just one side of the fence is crashing my browser. It crashes when I navigate to the view of the built fence. Is this a raycaster issue?
Is it even possible to optimize?
Any general or specific suggestions would be helpful.