import fs_simple from '../glsl/fs-simple-basic.glsl'
Gives error:
Loading module from “http://localhost/somepath/glsl/fs-simple-basic.glsl” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“application/octet-stream”).
I have checked the permission, they seem to be ok.
I have tried adding a .js at the end of the file like appears to be done in some other places.
I have tried adding brackets around fs_simple.
And googling a lot.
If you are not using a build tool like Vite (see vite-plugin-glsl) then you won’t be able to import GLSL files. Without a build tool the GLSL must be in a JavaScript file and exported as a string.
// fs_simple_basic.glsl.js
export const fs_simple = `
// your GLSL here