I started creating a small metaverse

Hi everyone, I started creating a small metaverse!

This is in progress, but for now it has:

I know, no much to see here until now, but in the case you all want to play, here is the link:
:link:Demo: https://metaverse.afpaiva.dev

Any comments will be very welcome.

:link:Video: https://youtu.be/gixNknxf_ds


Nice - but when I got to buy, and then build, I then can’t seem to sign up or buy - there is just a close. I close and that’s it.


Yeah, it’s in progress… For now is just a concept.
I sopped right at this point.
I’ll be posting here when having updates.
Thanks for your feedback!

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I did an upgrade in this project, now there is a backend and it’s possible to buy/sell the lands, and build/place on land as well.


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Hi Afpavia,
Your production looks pretty GOOD. Really!
And I want to build Metaverse project with threejs and it would be multiplayer.
But very simple, only multiplayers can run and talk each other.
How can I build it?
I want your help. Thank you!!!

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Hi Axle, how are you?

Thanks for your positive feedback! Really happy to know that you like it. This is a side project, at some point it will have different character point of views and other features.

If you want to create one, I recommend you to use React Three Fiber, implement a backend to store user data if you want, and a socket server to share their position. You may find some tutorials in YouTube to kickstart and adapt with your own ideas…

Hope it helps!

Somewhat similar to one of the many unfinished projects of mine.

click here to start simple mode

and if you want to challenge your GPU, there is advanced mode, that looks like this:


Is there a sandbox area where everyone can build for free? I’m curious about the build tools… :smiley:

Yes, the whole website is free. You just need to log in.
The money is not real, when you log in you earn an amount to buy a land and build.
There is a builder feature there.
Let me know if you find any bug (probably it has some :sweat_smile:)

This is cool!
Is it possible to see the amount of infected people during the time?
I really like it.