Hello everyone! I am new here and I’d like to take the opportunity to share a project that I’ve been working on.
I would appreciate feedback or suggestions.
Check out the live demo here: https://aquafish.ivystudio.cz/
Hello everyone! I am new here and I’d like to take the opportunity to share a project that I’ve been working on.
I would appreciate feedback or suggestions.
Check out the live demo here: https://aquafish.ivystudio.cz/
Everybody loves spherical aquariums
Made something similar before: In the Orb (Shaders)
@Cora haha love it! delightfully strange.
@prisoner849 also very cool
my fishtank journey: https://manthrax.github.io/fish/index.html
Welcome to the forum!
I like the idea of the spherical fish tank a lot. Things I would like to see improved (in no particular order of importance):
I appreciate your suggestions for improvements. They are very helpful, and I’ll definitely consider them to make the project even better.
I really like your fishtank journey. I hope to reach a similar level someday.
Thank you It took me a while to make it. I had to make 3d models of the fish, then map the textures onto them… then I used instancing to instance the fish, then a custom shader to make them wiggle, and to project the caustics texture on them, and then more code to make them move. More than a few weeks in my spare time.
Let me know if you need any pointers.
@Cora: The aquarium is nice. There are some aspects that can be improved, like motions of fishes and reality of the scene. My advice is to not try to implement all improvements at the same time.
Also, I see this thread evolved into sharing aquariums… So here is my aquarium, which is not an aquarium and the things in it are not fish. Yet, I find it related to the aquariums.
@prisoner849: yes, it is spherical
I saw your fish tank, I have an idea for the fish, first use Boids algorithm, and use curve path based vertex moving technique. And the part I’m quite vague about is calculating the position of Boids within a certain distance to determine the direction and rotation angle of the fish. I think I’ll save the boids location and capture and save it’s datatexture to process it. The idea is that, if possible, we will have a school of fish swimming in schools and undulating