**My problem is ** I render 100 sphere in the same time but the component still rerender and I got requestAnimationFrame error and the component as in photo render many times and some times don’t happen what and I want to iterate the spheres with delay so I make hidden in delay in the sphere component but until now I don’t figure out what is my problem and why I got this error from this code
export const ContainerBubblesWorld = ({dataFromApi, selectedPeriod, filterType,currentPage, intervalCount, onSphereClick ,onBoundingBoxesReady,isTracking }) => {
const {size} = useThree() // Adjust this according to your scene size
console.log('Component rerendered');
const [dataReady, setDataReady] = useState(false);
const [dataFromApiFormated, setDataFromApiFormated] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
console.log('useEffect triggered');
// and some code to process data
}, [size, dataFromApi, selectedPeriod, currentPage, intervalCount,isTracking]);
return <>
<Physics interpolate timeStep={1 / 60} gravity={!(size.width >= 640) ? [size.width / 2, (size.height *2), 0] : [(size.width /2), (size.height /2) , 0]}>
<BorderWalls />
{dataReady && dataFromApiFormated.map((props, i) => {
return (
<Sphere key={`${i}_${props?.symbol}`} index={i} delay={i * 300} {...props} />
and this is the sphere component
function Sphere({ index, radius, icon, scale, symbol,lastPrice,priceChangePercent, marketCap,rank,id,symbols, ...props }) {
const { size } = useThree();
const [clampedRadius, setClampedRadius] = useState(Math.max(radius - 15, 25));
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);
const api = useRef();
const x = size.width / 2;
const y = size.height / 2;
const widthD = `${(radius < 10 ? radius : radius - 10) * 2}px`;
const dispatch = useDispatch()
useEffect(() => {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, index * 300);
return () => clearTimeout(timeout);
}, [index]);
const formatSymbol = (symbol) => {
return symbol ? symbol.toUpperCase() : '';
const formatPriceChangePercent = (priceChangePercent) => {
const numericValue = parseFloat(priceChangePercent);
return !isNaN(numericValue) ? numericValue.toFixed(1) : '0.0';
return (
isVisible && (
enabledRotations={[false, false, false]}
enabledTranslations={[true, true, false]}
position={size.width <= 640 ? [10, -(size.width / 2), 0] : [-x, -y, 0]}
gravityScale={Math.abs(symbols[0]?.rsi[0]?.value) / 28}
<BallCollider args={[radius]} />
<Float speed={5} rotationIntensity={0} floatIntensity={50}>
<mesh onClick={() => console.log('Clicked!')} scale={0.95} position={[0, 0, 0.01]}>
{icon && <Image position={[0, radius < 10 ? radius / 2 : (radius - 10) / 2, 0.01]} scale={radius < 10 ? radius / 3 : (radius - 10) / 3} transparent toneMapped={false} url={icon} />}
{symbol && <Text font="Inter-Regular.woff" letterSpacing={-0.05} position={[0, 0, 0.01]} fontSize={radius < 10 ? radius / 3 : (radius - 10) / 3} material-toneMapped={false}>{formatSymbol(symbol)}</Text>}
{priceChangePercent && <Text font="Inter-Regular.woff" letterSpacing={-0.05} position={[0, -(radius < 10 ? radius / 2 : (radius - 10) / 2), 0.01]} fontSize={radius < 10 ? radius / 3 : (radius - 10) / 3} material-toneMapped={false}>{formatPriceChangePercent(priceChangePercent)}%</Text>}
<div onClick={() => dispatch(clicking({data: { id,index, radius, icon, scale, priceChangePercent, symbol, symbols, rank, marketCap, lastPrice }}))} style={{ width: widthD, height: widthD }} className={`${priceChangePercent < 0 ? 'shadow-[inset_0px_0px_20px_rgba(0,49,5,1)]' : 'shadow-[inset_0px_0px_20px_rgba(255,199,6,1)]'} rounded-full mix-blend-screen absolute top-0 left-0 cursor-pointer -translate-x-1/2 z-[99] -translate-y-1/2 hover:border-white hover:border-[.3rem] duration-[1000ms] transition-all`}></div>
also I have this where I call the component
<Canvas orthographic camera={{ position: [0, 0, 200], zoom: 1 }}>