I can control an object’s properties from a gui. For example, if my scene has a cube, I can update cube.position.z from a gui.
function initGui(){
const gui = new dat.GUI();
const cubePositionFolder = gui.addFolder('cube')
cubePositionFolder.add(cube.position, 'z', -LIMIT, LIMIT);
The problem is that I don’t see how to tell the gui to update its display if an object it references has changed.
Illustrated by this fiddle:
cube.position.z is constantly changing. Adjusting z in the gui will change the cube position. The gui however seems to have no knowledge of any changes to the cube properties.
I was expecting there to be something like gui.update() that could go in the render function.
Looking at https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui/blob/f720c729deca5d5c79da8464f8a05500d38b140c/API.md however, I don’t see any such method.
How would I achieve this?