import { N8AOPostPass } from "n8ao";
import { SMAAEffect, SMAAPreset,ShaderPass, BlendFunction, KernelSize, EffectPass, RenderPass } from 'postprocessing'
const n8aoPass = new N8AOPostPass(
n8aoPass.configuration.aoSamples = 8;
n8aoPass.configuration.denoiseSamples = 12;
n8aoPass.configuration.denoiseRadius = 12;
// this.composer.addPass(n8aoPass);
// n8aoPass.enableDebugMode();
composer.addPass(new EffectPass(camera, new SMAAEffect({
preset: SMAAPreset.ULTRA
Maybe SMAA and then n8aoPass
what i like to do is clamp near/far on the camera, and make it really tight, and then plain old MSAA.
new EffectComposer(gl, {
multisampling: 8,
frameBufferType: HalfFloatType,
i was told that AO and AA don’t really work together on a technical level, the latter corrupts the former. but i still get OK results.
also make sure the scene has a background, it looks a little as if your canvas is transparent.
I used FXAA before other passes, instead of default antialias.
what does the gl means? would you show the full code?
Your renderer
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