How to share meshs between renderTarges

Hi guys, hope you’re doing well.
Got a question about how to deal to share some meshes between 2-3 renderTargets.
Tried to figure out with r3f, but the tools provided by Drei ( like portals) , wrap the meshs and it seems impossible to share them trough differents render target.
If somebody already dealed with this type of issues, i will enjoy your advices.

Hard to say without the code - but. You can share resources between RTs and FBOs.

What you cannot do - is share resources between renderers. So make sure you’re using the same renderer to render all the FBOs.

Hi, here I coded an example with the same logic as my project has on this codesanbox , tried with THREE.WebGLRenderTarget, to be honnest I dont really understand the difference between a “useFBO” and a “WebGLRenderTarget”, seems to be same for me.
Thanks !!

Solved the problem as you can see on the codesandbox! Thanks a lot!