I have a Scene
that I want to copy and then change it without effecting the original Scene.
Object3D copy
method is copying by reference.
How can I duplicate to an independent Scene
I have a Scene
that I want to copy and then change it without effecting the original Scene.
Object3D copy
method is copying by reference.
How can I duplicate to an independent Scene
Try clone()
Tried it but still the material
etc. are referenced to the original object.
After you clone the scene, traverse it and clone referenced properties like
myScene.traverse(function(object) {
if ( object.isMesh ) {
object.material = object.material.clone();
You need to do it as deep as you require, a cloned material will still share it’s program for example, in case you don’t want this to be referenced either.
@Fyrestar works
Thank you!
Here is some code that uses this example clone - I load one .obj, and make a pile of copies of it - setting the position and color of each one
var mtlLoader = new THREE.MTLLoader();
mtlLoader.load(‘container2.mtl’, function (materials) {
materials.preload();//var material = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials); materials.transparency = 0.2; materials.transparent = true; materials.opacity = 0.6; //material.depthWrite = false; // var objLoader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); objLoader.setMaterials(materials); objLoader.setPath('textures/cont1/'); objLoader.load('/Container2.obj', function (container) { for (var sc = 0; sc < posns.length; sc++) { var scale = posns[sc].scale; var rotation = posns[sc].rotation; var posn = posns[sc].position; var model3d = new THREE.Object3D(); //clone main obj model3d = container.clone(); //clone obnj meshes model3d.traverse(function (object) { if (object.isMesh) { object.material = object.material.clone(); } }); model3d.scale.x = parseFloat(scale.x); model3d.scale.y = parseFloat(scale.y); model3d.scale.z = parseFloat(scale.z); //container.position = new THREE.Vector3(posn.x, posn.y, posn.z); model3d.position.x = posn.x; model3d.position.y = posn.y; model3d.position.z = posn.z; model3d.rotation.x = rotation._x; model3d.rotation.y = rotation._y; model3d.rotation.z = rotation._z; var color = '999933';//default grey if (!posns[sc].color) { var rnd = (Math.random() * 100); if (rnd >90) { console.log('blue'); posns[sc].color = '456F87'; } else if (rnd > 50) { console.log('red'); posns[sc].color = 'C04B0C';// }else if (rnd > 20) { console.log('yellow'); posns[sc].color = 'F3CD8B'; }else { console.log('grey'); posns[sc].color = color; } } model3d.traverse(function (child) { if (child instanceof THREE.Mesh) { //var c = hexToRgb(color); var c = hexToRgb(posns[sc].color); child.material.color = new THREE.Color("rgb(" + c.r + ", " + c.g + ", " + c.b + ")"); //child.material.emissive.setHex(0xdaa514); //child.material.opacity = 1 + Math.sin(new Date().getTime() * .0025); child.castShadow = true; //default is false child.receiveShadow = false; //default } }); if (!model3d.userData.color) { model3d.userData.color = posns[sc].color; }; model3d.name = posns[sc].name; group = new THREE.Group(); scene.add(group); var textMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: new THREE.Color(1, 1, 1), side: THREE.DoubleSide, wireframe: false }); var textShapes = font.generateShapes(model3d.name, .4); var geometry = new THREE.ShapeBufferGeometry(textShapes); geometry.computeBoundingBox(); var text = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, textMaterial); text.position.x = posn.x - ((geometry.boundingBox.max.x - geometry.boundingBox.min.x) / 2); text.position.y = posn.y + 5; text.position.z = posn.z + 0; group.add(text); group.add(model3d); containers.push(model3d); scene.add(model3d); } }, onProgress, onError);
Hello. you can throw off all the code? I will be very grateful, thanks.
Should the documentation for Object3D.clone() warn that materials will not be cloned ?