October 16, 2021, 3:39pm
I’m applying a normal map to an object, a bear model with normal map fur, works well. I then add a texture map to the object, which immediately changes the UV mapping of the normal map as well, so instead of tiling the fur correctly, it gets all distorted.
What is the simplest way I can make these maps independent?
This is a current limitation of the material system and there is no easy way to fix this, see:
opened 03:21PM - 03 Aug 16 UTC
When setting th… e `map` to repeat the `alphaMap` is also affected.
I'm expecting each face of the cube to have a giant whole in the middle with the edges of the taco time texture showing near the edges of the cube in a 3x4 pattern.
I'm getting the 3x4 pattern of the taco time texture but the `alphaMap`, although it does not repeat it does scale down to the size of the other map. It also produces some nasty streaks.
If you comment out line 35 `,4);` you can see what I'm expecting from the `alphaMap`.
##### Three.js version
- [x] Dev
- [x] r79
- [x] ...
##### Browser
- [x] All of them
- [ ] Chrome
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] Internet Explorer
##### OS
- [x] All of them
- [ ] Windows
- [ ] Linux
- [ ] Android
- [ ] IOS
##### Hardware Requirements (graphics card, VR Device, ...)
It will be solved though with the new node material system (and by default with WebGPURenderer