I have a procedural material on the model, something like chipboard for furniture. I bake textures with both standard blender tools and texttools, but the normal map is somehow wrong.
Here is a screenshot showing the procedural texture nodes.
Here are shown the nodes of already baked textures.
I notice the problem when exporting the model to gltf and then viewing it in modelviewer
Here is a model for reference. I hope you can tell me how to solve this problem.
tumbabrake.blend (1.1 MB)
base color > roughness > normal
I rendered another model using standard baking methods + textools. The result was pretty good. So, most likely, the furniture model has incorrect normals, or I baked everything incorrectly in that case.
God, if you only knew how long I’ve been suffering… 
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Could you attach a copy of the .blend
after the baking is done? From the screenshot your baked material graph looks compatible for export to me, but might help to inspect the .blend
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The problem was as follows: 1. I incorrectly set up the roughness via normal on the procedural material, and for some reason I thought that when baking the textures should magically become many times better (?!). 2. I sometimes baked the components of the material incorrectly, which is why I got an unacceptable result every time.
My wishes to those reading this question and answers: try to understand the baking process itself more deeply, double-check everything a bunch of times, and don’t be afraid to experiment! Peace
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