So there is absolutely no need for such external npm packages like three-obj-loader anymore. All example code is available as ES6 modules in the original three package.
I just realized that all those examples are directly included in the package of three. So, separately npm package are absolutely unnecessary, as you well said.
It was my ignorance and a deprecated package together.
These packages have unfortunately caught out a lot of people. I’ve reached out to the authors of several packages by opening issues on their github repos, but only one dev has responded so far
<script type="module">
// ----- import from the web -----
// current revision from the repository
import * as THREE from '';
import { OrbitControls } from '';
import { OBJLoader } from '';
import { MTLLoader } from '';
// or a specific revision from a CDN ( Content Delivery Network, e.g. )
import * as THREE from '';
import { OrbitControls } from '';
import { OBJLoader } from '';
import { MTLLoader } from '';
// ----- import local -----
// NOTE! changed identifiers (.rev) and changed import statements at the beginning of the files
// see
import * as THREE from '../jsm/three.module.124.js'; //
import { OrbitControls } from '../jsm/OrbitControls.124.js';
import { OBJLoader } from '../jsm/OBJLoader.124.js';
import { MTLLoader } from '../jsm/MTLLoader.124.js';