Is there any way to find an intersection between two segments ? Or rays ?
I searched the Ray doc and I found that there is methods for finding an intersecting vector with triangles, boxes, and spheres, so I am surprised to find none with segments.
But it is surprising, as Ray.intersectBox() can find an intersecting vector between a ray and a three-dimensional object, Iâd expected that the functionality was available as well for an (a priori) simpler task (intersection between two rays). I will try to find a workaround and keep you posted.
For my use, the lines can be not-coplanar, and it should be possible to return null if there is no intersection.
I want to make a function to offset polylines (array of vector3) according to their bisectors.
In order to code a parametric geometry. (so the user can change the shape of the polyline, and the offset will adapt).