I have a mesh out of Blender with different materials and 1 texture on it. I use just 1 UV-mapped PNG 24 texture with everything on it to texture the mesh in threes including transparency.
Here is the mesh and texture in blender.
In three.js this is working so far so good. The mesh is visible as it should and as it looks like in Blender.
Here is the mesh in three.js
Now my material code in the loader is effecting the hole mesh (texture?), light, transparency, etc…
Here is the code.
On this way, I can not have different influences on different parts of the mesh. I would like to have the possibility to influence different parts of the mesh in a different way (transparency, opacity, shininess,…)
How can I get for example reflecting eyes, but without the skin reflecting the same way?
Is this possible with just 1 texture or do I need 2 or 3 textures, depending how many parts of the mesh I want to influence differently?
How can I achieve it in three.js, so it is possible to effect different parts of 1 mesh with materials (?) / textures (?) / light?
Thank you verry much… (and also for trying to understand my english)