How to create a Motion Vector map

Hi everyone! :wave:
I am trying to generate a motion vector map like the one shown below (second image) based on an image sequence similar to the first image.

Here are the images:

Diffuse texture (first image):

Motion vector map (second image):

Note: The images I provided are taken from for reference.

I want to achieve a motion blur effect or a directional displacement in Three.js using this vector map. I believe Blender can help in generating these motion vectors, but I’m not sure about the exact process (shaders, compositing, etc.).

Could someone guide me on:

  1. Generating the motion vector maps in Blender?

Any tips, tutorials, or workflow examples would be super helpful! :rocket:

Thanks in advance! :blush:

One search term is “optical flow”. Apparently there are plugins for some softwares that generate them. (i think houdini, aftereffects, blender)… I started going down that rabbit hole a bit but didn’t get too far… even looked into implementing optical flow manually. I’d be curious what you find, bc there is a Lot of potential to that technique.


@akella has a great tutorial on this


Yaa but he didn’t mentioned how to create the motion vector map

There’s also an article on how the original idea was developed, this gives a pretty detailed overview… Motion Vectors for 3D Content


Yaa but they didn’t tell how to create motion vector map :pensive:

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I found something that kind of works, but I think I’m missing something.

Here’s how I managed to create a motion vector map:

  1. Blender Setup:

    • In the View Layer settings, enable the Vector pass in the Data section.
    • Disable Motion Blur in the Renderer settings.
  2. Compositor:

    • Go to the Compositor and enable Use Nodes.
    • Set up the nodes as shown in the image below:

Here’s the result I achieved by combining the frames in GIMP:

Let me know if there’s anything I might be missing!


That output looks plausible yeah? Now that you mention it… I am overthinking this with the optical flow stuff. I was thinking that these would be generated from still frames… but generating it directly from the 3d animation data like I think you’re doing there, is more straightforward and accurate.

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It seems to work in the code as well! The only issue I noticed is that the gap between frames (a 4-degree rotation) is slightly too large for the motion vector map to handle accurately🥲. I think reducing it to a 3-degree rotation difference between frames would yield better results.

Here’s the GitHub repo if anyone wants to give it a try:
Link : GitHub - AT010303/Image-Sequence-3d


This is great, I’d say this is more a blender workflow question than 3js, however using blenders python bpy api package I set up a few utility scripts to automate this process, very similar to yours only with the added position pass as well as absolute image output paths…

if you were to start a new blender file ( I’m using 4.1.1 ) go to the scripting tab, create a new script, you can run the following to set up the relative composite nodes for rendering everything necessary for the motion vector map images…

import bpy

bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "CYCLES"

bpy.context.view_layer.use_pass_vector = True
bpy.context.view_layer.use_pass_position = True
bpy.context.scene.render.use_motion_blur = False

bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree

for node in tree.nodes:

render_layers ="CompositorNodeRLayers")
render_layers.location = (-200, 0)

separate_xyz ="CompositorNodeSeparateXYZ")
separate_xyz.location = (100, 0)

normalize_x ="CompositorNodeNormalize")
normalize_x.location = (300, 0)

normalize_y ="CompositorNodeNormalize")
normalize_y.location = (300, -100)

combine_color ="CompositorNodeCombineColor")
combine_color.location = (500, 0)

viewer ="CompositorNodeViewer")
viewer.location = (700, -125)
viewer.use_alpha = True

position_output ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")
position_output.location = (100, 125)
position_output.format.file_format = "PNG"
position_output.format.color_mode = "RGB"
position_output.base_path = bpy.path.abspath("//position_output/")

motion_vector_output ="CompositorNodeOutputFile")
motion_vector_output.location = (700, 0)
motion_vector_output.format.file_format = "PNG"
motion_vector_output.format.color_mode = "RGB"
motion_vector_output.base_path = bpy.path.abspath("//motion_vector_output/")

links = tree.links["Position"], position_output.inputs[0])["Vector"], separate_xyz.inputs[0])[0], normalize_x.inputs[0])[1], normalize_y.inputs[0])[0], combine_color.inputs[0])[0], combine_color.inputs[1])[0], viewer.inputs[0])[0], motion_vector_output.inputs[0])

Compositing window result:

I’ve used the same python bpy package for a utility script to automate the rendering of a sequence and packing the outputted images into their respective sprite maps [motion-vector, position, final-render].


For reference the images need to be packed in a left to right, top to bottom order eg…
After some experimentation it looks like the optimal image packing is a right to left, bottom to top pattern, I’ve updated the graph below to reflect the updated output of the following function…

[16, 15, 14, 13]
[12, 11, 10, 09]
[08, 07, 06, 05]
[04, 03, 02, 01]

creating a new script in the scripting tab we can run the following to automate this with bpy and pillow (the blend file has to be saved to know where to put the relative path directories and respective output images, you also you have to have pip pillow installed to blenders python packages)…

Aside from the packing order above, the resulting packed image needs to be flipped horizontally and rotated 180°, I’ve updated the code below to include this change

import bpy
import os
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps

bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 32
bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = bpy.path.abspath("//render_output/")
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "PNG"


print("Rendering complete. Now combining images into a grid.")

image_folder = bpy.path.abspath("//motion_vector_output/")
image_paths = [os.path.join(image_folder, f"Image{i:04d}.png") for i in range(1, 17)]
images = [ for img_path in image_paths]

width, height = images[0].size
grid_width = 4 * width
grid_height = 4 * height
grid_image ="RGB", (grid_width, grid_height))

for i, img in enumerate(images):
    row = 3 - (i // 4)
    col = 3 - (i % 4)
    x_offset = col * width
    y_offset = row * height
    grid_image.paste(img, (x_offset, y_offset))

grid_image = ImageOps.mirror(grid_image)
grid_image = grid_image.rotate(180, expand=True)"//final_grid_output/motion_vector_grid.png"))

image_folderA = bpy.path.abspath("//render_output/")
image_pathsA = [os.path.join(image_folderA, f"{i:04d}.png") for i in range(1, 17)]
imagesA = [ for img_path in image_pathsA]

widthA, heightA = imagesA[0].size
grid_widthA = 4 * widthA
grid_heightA = 4 * heightA
grid_imageA ="RGBA", (grid_widthA, grid_heightA))

for i, img in enumerate(imagesA):
    row = 3 - (i // 4)
    col = 3 - (i % 4)
    x_offset = col * widthA
    y_offset = row * heightA
    grid_imageA.paste(img, (x_offset, y_offset))

grid_imageA = ImageOps.mirror(grid_imageA)
grid_imageA = grid_imageA.rotate(180, expand=True)"//final_grid_output/rendered_grid.png"))

image_folderB = bpy.path.abspath("//position_output/")
image_pathsB = [os.path.join(image_folderB, f"Image{i:04d}.png") for i in range(1, 17)]
imagesB = [ for img_path in image_pathsB]

widthB, heightB = imagesA[0].size
grid_widthB = 4 * widthB
grid_heightB = 4 * heightB
grid_imageB ="RGB", (grid_widthB, grid_heightB))

for i, img in enumerate(imagesB):
    row = 3 - (i // 4)
    col = 3 - (i % 4)
    x_offset = col * widthB
    y_offset = row * heightB
    grid_imageB.paste(img, (x_offset, y_offset))

grid_imageB = ImageOps.mirror(grid_imageB)
grid_imageB = grid_imageB.rotate(180, expand=True)"//final_grid_output/position_grid.png"))

For the particular script above to work there must be some sort of key framed motion on the animation timeline (as a caution this will begin rendering 16 frames so may slow up resources but you can see the output directories being populated while rendering), following suit with the original linked resources the animation should be distributed over 16 frames to output a 4x4 grid, although I’m sure this can be extended to greater grid sizes…


After further progress on this it seems that the motion vector map essentially needs to be in an exr format to preserve the correct precision required from the image, this means that the individul exr images can be relatively small, eg… 512 x 512.

I haven’t managed to update the code above to output exr but put together a little render using an 8 x 8 grid (64 images)…

testing further it seems if the motion vector map is an exr of tiled exr images, each tile can be as small as 256 x 256 with a respectable quality maintained in the illusion!


This works perfectly well; I just missed one detail regarding the renderer’s color management.

Set the View Transform in color management to RAW, and everything will be set.

Here’s the GitHub link, and it works flawlessly.
Github : GitHub - AT010303/Image-Sequence-3d

I believe the issue was with color management :sweat_smile:. While checking the colors in Photoshop and selecting colors from the color picker on the motion vector map, I noticed there was some blue value. Ideally, it should have been zero. That’s when I suspected it might be related to color management, where something was going wrong during Blender’s post-processing.

Thanks a lot for your help—I really appreciate it!

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Good work, that looks great! :ok_hand:

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I tried to use the vector maps in exr format.

In blender all the vector maps were exported like this.

It sort of works, but I get these trails/excessive distortion along the border, is this a limitation of this method or am I doing something wrong ?

the main bits from the fragment shader

vec2 getDisplacement(sampler2D map, vec2 uv, float strength) {
    vec4 tData = texture2D(map, uv);
    vec2 displacement = tData.rg;
    displacement *= strength;
    return displacement;

vec4 getMap(sampler2D map1, sampler2D map2, vec2 displacement1, vec2 displacement2) {
    vec4 diffuse1 = texture2D(map1, vUv + displacement1 * mixRatio);
    vec4 diffuse2 = texture2D(map2, vUv - displacement2 * (1.0 - mixRatio));
    return mix(diffuse1, diffuse2, mixRatio);
void main() {
    vec2 displacement1 = getDisplacement(vectorTexture1, vUv, displaceStrength);
    vec2 displacement2 = getDisplacement(vectorTexture2, vUv, displaceStrength);

    vec4 diffuseMap = getMap(colorTexture1, colorTexture2, displacement1, displacement2);
    gl_FragColor = diffuseMap;

@vis_prime There could be a few variances that cause the edge flicker as you see it, are you using a 4x4 grid of images? If so what is the degree of rotation per frame? One simple fix I found was bringing displaceStrength right down to like 0.01, however if this doesn’t help I think you may need to check how many degrees of rotation per frame there are and try to reduce the ratio of rotation per frame (and or increase your grid size to 8x8)…

On a side note, the demo here… Motion Vectors for 3D Content actually uses a ktx2 CompressedArrayTexture, which from what I understand doesn’t need to be a grid and simply holds the red and green channels as data per layer, I made a quick demo on how to unpack these and render the required values…

The pen above is only to visualize the array texture values but in essence uses the same logic without being *as limited by oversized images (both px and file size) as you can see in the render of the vector map itself, which has to be in the range of 128-256 px squared (haven’t checked for definite)…

PS: I’m not sure you’ll be able to entirely eradicate the edge distortion as you can see in one of @akella 's latest streams

But hopefully the above points can serve as a direction to reduce these edge defects…

also @vis_prime, what order are your frames in (if gridded)? I think the direction of motion may determine the order of frames somehow (through experimentation)

Pps: @vis_prime, your node setup doesn’t seem to include normalisation nodes before conversion back to rgb values / combine :thinking: maybe you know better than I if these are necessary or not?


To help experiment more , I skipped merging to grid step, and just hot swap the current and next textures in the material uniform. (once the texture is loaded into memory there’s no visible lag on when the textures change)

In the blender’s compositor I didn’t add the normalization node cause chatgpt & I assumed exr would save the full range and provide more detail ? , the impact is negligible but seems to be working the same.

Instead of 16 images I tried 64 images with the object rotating from -90 to 90. Used 1024px webP for the color + for the vector, used exr with DWAB codec with 256px resolution to keep the sizes down. (7mb total)

the artifacts are reduced a lot but the wobbly effect around the edges is still present,

yeah, like you said the angle moved makes a big impacts on the edge artifacts. will test more…

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Very valid point, not seeing those levels of exposure in render is confusing but agreed, something exr format should account for!

The most recent video you’ve shared looks great, exr seems like a bulky format in comparison to the reference of compressedTextureArray holding only the red and green values, though passing over / through seperate smaller images does sound better than a 4096 x 4096 ( minimum ) grid set ( on an 8x8 grid at 512x512 px each frame )

Have you tried setting the color transform to “Raw” in Blender’s Color Management settings? I noticed that when using PNG images, the colors appeared significantly different between “AGX” and “Raw.” Switching to “Raw” worked fine for me. Additionally, you might want to reduce the strength of the motion vector map for better results.

Also can you provide a sample of your motion vector map.