How to clear pre-rotation of mixamo fbx model

when import fbx model like markerman, can i reset rotation come from pre-rotation in fbx file to (0,0,0) but remain the same rotation of model(T-Pose). This operation is same as blender “apply transform”. please help, thank so much!

From this thread:

You have three options, the first and best option, is to simply add your model to an Object3D or a Group, and correct the rotation.

the second one, the more complex, and the one you’re looking for, is to apply the mesh transformations directly to the geometry, your model is composed of multiple geometries, so you’ll have to traverse it, and apply the transformation for each geometry while resetting its parent mesh transformation and taking into consideration nested meshes (world coordinate).

The last option, is to correct the model rotation in blender before reexporting as a GLTF or GLB file.

I’d personally go for the first or last options as the second one require some knowledge on how three.js transformation matrices works, while the first option will do the math for you.

If you insist on the second option, here is a quick example on how to apply nested meshes transformations to their respective geometries. checkout the applyWorldMatrixToGeometry function. This will mess animation, just go with the first option.

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Thank you so much! I’m so grateful. I will try and reply later.

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