Hey guys I’m using FBX to load in some animations. I’m having trouble blending them however. I’m simply trying to get my mixamo model from an idle animation, to walk, and back to idle upon key events.
But when I try to blend the animations, the model reverts back to a T-Pose before blending to the next animation. I’m not sure why this is happening. my play action method is below
this.playAction = (action, loop) => {
var a = this.mixer.clipAction(this.anims[action]); // get request animation clip
var b = this.mixer.clipAction(this.anims[this.curAnim]) // get cur anim clip
this.curAnim = action;
b.weight = 0;
a.crossFadeFrom(b, 1);
a.weight = 1;
@Mugen87 Can you please explain how would animation a waits for b to finish?
I am currently having some animations and I do listen to the event listener of finished animation before starting the other, but I am not sure how to use the blending at the event listener of finished animation for the previous one…
Do we still need to use event listener for animation to finish before staring the other animation incase of using blending?