How do I draw a quadrilateral grid on my model

A WebGL accelerated finite element mesh viewer.

I have the Vector3 points of all the points of a model and need to restore the 3D model on the page and add a quadrilateral grid to it.

However, the drawn grid is always a triangle.I want quadrilateral grid.

I want the following effect

I see squares and triangles in your second picture.
2024-09-03 20.45.36


from the Collection of examples from


really appreciate your help.
but here’s the difference,I created the geometry with BufferGeometry,so there’s no way to get geometry.parameters and points is arranged regularly, but there is no triangular face index.

There are two types of BufferGeometry. From your comment I conclude that you are using non-indexed BufferGeometry, i.e. a so-called triangular soup?

What exactly does “my points is arranged regularly” mean?

Maybe this will help you?

In my addon, I have provided the option of splitting rectangles into four triangles using a central point. There is one variant each for indexed and non-indexed BufferGeometry.

Addon. Produces almost infinite many time-varying geometries with functions

from THREEf geometries r136 waffled grid checked