I want to save the shadow map render target as an image, and I use the follow method,
At the end of WebglShadowMap render function, I add these codes:
var image = document.createElement(‘img’);
var dataURL = _renderer.domElement.toDataURL();
image.src = dataURL;
Later, I get the image, but there is nothing on it, I only can see a black picture, what’s wrong with me ?How can I get it truely?
And I even attempting to draw the shadow map texture in a plane geometry, I have pass the textureId to the shader, and the fragment shader like this,
But the result is also show a black color. I can confirm that ‘u_texture’ and ‘v_uv’ parameters are correct, but I dont konw why the result.
Yeah, I find the correct way to draw the shadow map texture on the plane, thanks for your answer.
However,there is still a question that the shadow quality is very low, I set shadow map size 2000 * 2000, is there other way to improve the shadow quality?
now the shadow is look like this:
Hey @vaing4723, I don’t know if you had solved this problem. And I met the low quality image too. I figure out it’s a problem about devicePixelRatio. try the code below:
let expectedWidth = 512
let expectedHeight = 512
let devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio
canvas.style.width = expectedWidth*devicePixelRatio
canvas.style.height = expectedHeight*devicePixelRatio
canvas.width = expectedWidth*devicePixelRatio
canvas.height = expectedHeight*devicePixelRatio
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
renderer.setSize(expectedWidth, expectedHeight)
renderer.render( scene, camera );
context.drawImage( renderer.domElement, 0, 0);
canvas.style.width = expectedWidth
canvas.style.height = expectedHeight