I am trying putting sharpness here, because my works look a little but blurry.
It is just an example. Left one is our work on threejs.
Also I have another question here.
This blue one is ironing board.
When I see it tilt position, it blur too. It looks like DOF.
Can I remove this option?
You can change the tone mapping type and set the exposure and whitepoint in the WebGLRenderer. See the docs and the WebGL / ToneMapping example.
However the overall brightness and contrast are probably being applied as post processing effects - have a look at postprocessing / nodes to see an example of this.
I’m not sure about the sharpness setting specifically - but all the rest of the settings you linked can be applied as post processing. Have a look through the postprocesing examples, you’ll find DOF, SSAO, Grain and lots of other effects being used.
… And just as I decide to post here I solved my issue, by increasing the source image’s resolution and adding material.map.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;